Donate to Association

Donations and Memberships

The Atwater High School Alumni Association is a non-profit volunteer organization. The primary source of funds comes from donations by its alumni and friends. All funds raised are used to support the Atwater High School Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship Program. Alumni who make a donation of at least $10 will be considered active members and will be able to  vote on items regarding the operation of the association that require membership approval, and hold office in the association.
We hope you will join us in providing support for Atwater High School students achieve their dream of future education.

The Alumni Association uses PayPal as its payment processor for electronic donation. The button on the right allow you to make donations, you do not have to have a PayPal account to use this process. You may also mail donations, care of Atwater High School Alumni Association to: 106 Laurel Av., Atwater CA. 95301.
Thank you in advance for your support. Falcons Forever!

Reunion Support

In addition to our scholarship program, a key goal for the association is to develop a registry of Atwater High School Alumni, by year to aid reunion organizing efforts. One of the hardest jobs any reunion committee faces is trying to find classmates and informed them of the event. At the end of events there are always classmates to say, “I wish I had known”. The form below can be used to send us your contact information to include in the registry. This information well be used solely by the association and not shared or sold. If a reunion or event is being planned this list will be used by the association to notify members with contact information and details. Please fill out the form or contact us at with your contact information to be included in the registry.