Dear Fellow AHS Alumni and Friends,
Welcome to the official Atwater High School Alumni Association website. Thank you to all the alumni who have joined as active members, and to our generous donors.
The Association in its first year is providing deserving seniors at Atwater High School scholarships to help further their educations at 2yr, 4yr, or Trade School. This year we will provide two $500 scholarships.
Because this is our first year as a non-profit organization we have concentrated on fund-raising for scholarships. As we grow, our goals will include helping the school and teachers.
If you would like to donate or join as an active member ($10 minimum donation) make your checks payable to AHS Alumni Association and send to AHS Alumni Association, 106 Laurel Ave., Atwater CA 95301. Or you can use the Donate options located on this website.
There are lots of projects the organization can do to give back to Atwater High School. But, it takes a lot of volunteers. Visit the Volunteer section of the website to view some of the options and contact us using the form provided or contact one of the board members and let them know you would like to help.
Our active membership is growing, and we are excited about the response from the alumni. Come join us and enjoy the gift of giving back to the school that starter all our life’s journey.
John Rasmussen, President
Executive Board Members
Wayne Van Wagner, Vice-President
Keith McIntire, Board Member
Jim Crotts, Financial Officer